God Is Dead

By Doutimiye Owonaro

Chinese folks and other Asians look alike. Africans look alike. Caucasians look alike. Members of the same ethnic group usually share a lot of similar features, all hinting at a common ancestor.

Taking it a step further, humans share 98.8% of our DNA with chimpanzees, 98.4% with gorillas, 96.9% with orangutans, and 93% with monkeys.

Even animals very different from us share a lot of similar genes e.g., the zebrafish that shares 70% of genes with humans.

These all point to a common ancestor.

The evolution theory has been proven without reasonable doubt and is widely accepted in the scientific community as valid.

The only reason the evolution theory hasn’t been accepted by the rest of the world is because it debunks the claims of an all-powerful God who created man and the world in 7 days.

It makes more sense to say because of biological mutations and adaptations, some humans are born perfect and others imperfect with diseases, than to say they were created flawed by a perfect creator e.g., humans born with sickle cell, blind, lame, or with incomplete or extra digits and other abnormalities.

The evolution theory however points to a source of life, something that flipped the switch, giving rise to the first living thing and sparking the process of evolution.

This source of life may or may not have been a living thing. It might have been a celestial body like the sun, moon and stars or a simple one celled organism like diatoms.

One thing is for sure though, the source of life, if it was a living thing, couldn’t have been a sentient being with thinking capacities because of the many flaws in creation and would have been long dead by now, like the extinct dinosaurs and mammoths.

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